The idea that the white horse rider in Rev. 6: 2 is the "Antichrist" is based upon the false notion that he will make some kind of phony "peace" agreement (treaty) with Israel and then break it. This idea is taken chiefly from a misinterpretation of the prophet Daniel's "seventy weeks" prophecy. (Dan. 9:24-27) Another is taken from Daniel 8: 25. Let us look at the latter first.
“And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.” (Daniel 8: 25)
I do not doubt that this passage is a reference to the times of the Antichrist. Further, I do not deny that he will "by peace" bring the world to ruin. What that means exactly, however, is another matter.
Further, I do believe that the world will be enjoying "peace and safety" to a great degree at the time of the commencement of the day of wrath and tribulation.
What I oppose therefore, is not that the Antichrist will have some relationship to the peace and safety of the last days, and some peaceful means of gaining power, but what I oppose is the reading of all this into the text of Rev. 6: 2. The coming of the rider on the white horse of Rev. 6: 2 does not bring a previously unknown peace to people all over the world as the next several horses in heaven's cavalry demonstrate.
It is not correct to argue therefore that the peace supposedly brought by the coming of the white horse rider 1) comes from the Antichrist and 2) the peace and prosperity can only be fake or a delusion, perhaps some kind of "pipe dream."
This reasoning, however, fails. The white horse rider comes as a result of heaven's command, ergo, the peace came by heaven's order. Thus, it cannot be a fake peace unless one is also willing to affirm that God brings the fake peace of the Antichrist.
In the passage above "peace" is from the Hebrew "shalvah" and means quietness, ease, prosperity, security (genuine or false). The Antichrist "by peace" will "destroy." But, consider that there is nothing in the text that says that Antichrist will first bring world peace and prosperity and then be rewarded with sovereignty by the world (or "ten kings") for doing so.
The text could also well mean that Antichrist comes to power by first promising peace, a promise which he does not intend to keep. Thus, "by peace" he means "by the means of promising peace," or by tempting with peace talk, he will gain power, and then destroy. By this interpretation the Antichrist comes to power, not by bringing world peace, but by promising it (and giving some proof of his ability to bring it).
It very well may allude to the act of the Antichrist (beast) in killing the two witness prophets of Revelation chapter eleven. The two prophets "torment" the world with plagues and awful judgments, including the withholding of rain for the length of their prophecy. When the two prophets are killed by the Antichrist the world celebrates; And, who will get the glory for stopping these awful torments? The Antichrist! He "restores the peace and brings happy days once again," the world will think.
Further, from looking at the many passages dealing with the Antichrist we see his entire time on earth as characterized by nothing akin to peace. His rise will come by violence not by peace.
The "peace and safety" of the end times is not what is brought about by the Antichrist. That prophecy will have come to pass prior to the opening of the first seal and the coming forth of the first horse. Further, it can well be said that we have already to a great degree arrived at that point in history. People today, all around the world, enjoy better peace and safety than ever before. Yes, there will always be wars and rumors of wars. We have had those since the end of WWII. Yea, since the coming of Christ nearly two thousand years ago. Yet, people still feel safer and more prosperous today than ever before in human history.
If we allow that the Laodicean age of the church precedes the coming of the white horse rider of Rev. 6: 2, then we prove clearly that the "peace and prosperity" spoken of by Paul precedes the opening of the first seal. Further, that safety, peace, and prosperity is not what the Antichrist instantly brings, somehow, but is that which has come about as a result of science and technology.
The Laodicean church said this about themselves: "I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing" (Rev. 3: 17). They surely reflect that state of the world at the time of the end. It also surely describes the state of the church and world at this time. People today, like many Christians, and like the fool Jesus spoke about, "have ample goods laid up for many years" and therefore say to themselves "relax, eat, drink, be merry." (Luke 12: 19) And, since nearly everyone today denies the teaching of the Bible on Hell and eternal punishment, and of the coming judgment, and of the resurrection of the dead, they say “Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.” (I Cor. 15: 32)
In the prophecy it is stated that Antichrist "through his policy" will "cause craft to prosper in his hand." There is no question but that the Antichrist will have an economic, as well as religious, political, and social, "policy." Craft is prospering now in the world on a scale never before seen, at least since the Deluge. And, the policy of the Antichrist will promise global peace and prosperity.
The Peace Of I Thess. 5:3
"For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape."
This "peace and safety" prophecy is fulfilled in our very day. There will not be any greater peace and safety than men now enjoy, although Antichrist will promise them greater, and even increase it for a short time.
The Lord Jesus also spoke of this time of general world prosperity when he said:
"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." (Matt. 24: 37-39)
Just as people were "living it up," feasting and "partying," before the flood, "eating and drinking" (no famine), "marrying" (little fear of the future), etc., so also now. But, the prosperity, peace and safety, of the very last days will be what Solomon called "the prosperity of fools" and which "shall destroy them." (Prov. 1: 29-33)
The Lord warned of this kind of end time prosperity when he said:
"And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares." (Luke 21: 34)
In the next posting I will conclude this series on the white horse rider of Rev. 6: 2 with some thoughts on the Seventy Weeks of Daniel 9 and a summation. Following that I will take up an examination of the remaining horses of the Apocalypse.
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